Ayodhya Development Authority

अयोध्या विकास प्राधिकरण

Civil Lines, Parikrama Marg, Faizabad, Ayodhya - Phone : (05278) 223460, 223969, Fax : 220110

Shri Yogi Adityanath

Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of U.P.

Shri Gaurav Dayal

Hon’ble Chairman

   Climate Health Risk Management in India, Project (CHARISMA)

The dashboard can be accessed through this link. The dashboard, developed in the “Climate HeAlth RISk MAnagement in India” project (CHARISMA), is a decision support system facilitating planning and policy making focused on health impacts due to climate change in several cities across India. ...

Funded through international climate financing by the Flemish Government, VITO co-created the platform with its consortium partners, Avia-GIS and PHFI-CEH; the Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University Lucknow (FoAP-AKTU); the Lucknow Municipal Corporation; and other Indian urban, climate and health experts. The dashboard contains a rich collection of GIS mapping, analyses and modelling results, integrating urban growth, climatic conditions and vector borne disease trajectories from 2010 to 2050 and up to 2070.

These digital multi-layered outputs can for instance be used for integrated urban planning or to identify and highlight urban areas of concern, also taking into account socio-economic factors through the 2011 census data which are integrated in the platform at ward level. The digitized information can be further used for constructing other layers related to environment and infrastructure development.

In the BCAUSYOUCARE project (funded by the Flemish Government in the context of international climate financing through the G-STIC Climate Action Programme ’21), VITO and FoAP-AKTU, have mapped the temple-town of Ayodhya at one-meter resolution through a student and faculty staff capacity approach. The micro-level detail of Ayodhya has been incorporated in the dashboard and will support tailored interventions at the neighbourhood and street level.

    Thermal Map

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Press Release

अयोध्या ज्ञान कोष

Ayodhya Gyan Kosh is an innovative project towards Government Community Engagement under the aegis of Ayodhya Development Authority. The platform has been created for sharing of ideas and develop collective insights towards realization of Vision Ayodhya through inclusive development
Ayodhya VCSI: 68

The Ayodhya Vedic City Sustainability Index offers a unique perspective on sustainable urban living. Read more...

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